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Interlude Server

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» Quest para acceder a Pagan`s Temple
actualizacion de revicion Icon_minitimeSáb Ago 25, 2012 4:59 pm por Apologies

» sugerencia!
actualizacion de revicion Icon_minitimeJue Ago 09, 2012 6:39 am por JohnFoos

» Nuevo Evento
actualizacion de revicion Icon_minitimeLun Ago 06, 2012 1:09 pm por Apologies

» nuevas implementaciones parche
actualizacion de revicion Icon_minitimeLun Jul 30, 2012 10:44 pm por K-dabra

» Bajar Algunos pasivos y Subir otros..
actualizacion de revicion Icon_minitimeSáb Jul 28, 2012 11:27 am por .::GMPhoenix::.

» Zaken e.e
actualizacion de revicion Icon_minitimeSáb Jul 28, 2012 11:25 am por .::GMPhoenix::.

» Bug de karma o algo asi creo.
actualizacion de revicion Icon_minitimeVie Jul 27, 2012 3:33 pm por ElRashoDeKonoha

» Sugerencia Sobre Speed :P
actualizacion de revicion Icon_minitimeMiér Jul 25, 2012 9:26 am por Juliita

» Algunas Sugerencias :D
actualizacion de revicion Icon_minitimeMiér Jul 25, 2012 7:31 am por ElRashoDeKonoha

Julio 2024


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    actualizacion de revicion


    Mensajes : 45
    Puntos : 1085
    Reputación : 2
    Fecha de inscripción : 22/07/2011

    actualizacion de revicion Empty actualizacion de revicion

    Mensaje  K-dabra Lun Feb 27, 2012 11:52 pm

    bueno chikos tiramos el server unos minutos para realizar una actualizacion de revicion, estuvimos los gm´s trabajando hace unso dias y hoy no encerramos el dia kompleto para poder terminarla.
    abajo paso a aclarar los fixes que se realizaron estavamos en la revicion 904 y pasamos a la revicion 921. los fixes son los siguientes.

    URGENT FIX about mastery. (fixed exploit to avoid players to take double mastery)
    Fixed the update of nick colour after switch target.
    Fixed fishing skill double message.
    Fixed message with fishing skills. (like l2off)
    Fixed CP Potion reuse message.
    Fixed unstuck like L2OFF (without self target).
    Fixed scrolls like L2OFF (without self target).
    Fixed resist skills enchanted.
    Fixed player with penality will not recive SA.
    Fixed player penality visual bug (thanks elfocrash).
    Fixed player olympiad bug with sell/buy.
    Fixed enchant window close while moving like L2OFF.
    Fixed player can't use automatic SS if hasn't a summon.
    Fixed player can't summon a pet if he has another one.
    Fixed skill erase, it works only on summons and not on pets. (thanks elfocrash)
    Fixed skill type MANARECHARGE must use bss like L2OFF (only casting bonus, not power).
    Fixed player can't speak with npcs if they are dead, in sitting mode or if fake death. (like L2OFF)
    Fixed if player use skill while is moving he must stop his movement. (like L2OFF)
    Fixed Fakedeath issue with stand and sit.
    Fixed disconnection for all players during restart/shutdown.
    Fixed icon update when char is dead (like L2OFF)
    Fixed skills liv 80, they aren't magic skills. (like L2OFF)
    Fixed message liv 80 skills (like L2OFF)
    Fixed message block chat (like L2OFF)
    Corrected RuneArtefact1 spawnpoint.
    Corrected skill Polearm Accuracy, you can active it with any weapon. (like L2OFF)
    Fixed invocation floating effect. (thanks Munch)
    Fixed problem with castle scroll. (thanks seRiousLy)
    Zoey76 "Clean and Stability Update" integration.

    A big thank you Zoey76 for his great job. Here you can check Zoey's topic.
    - Fixed Summon friend request.
    - Fixed resurrection request.
    - Fixed target consume items (Summon friends)
    - Fixed Cp potions message like retail.
    - Reworked packet RequestRestart (client)
    - Reworked package RestartResponse (server)
    - Corrected time infernal form like L2OFF (5 minutes)
    - Corrected some retail messages.
    - Corrected jail time in minutes.
    - It's possible restart/logout during cast. (like L2OFF)
    - Fixed visual bug of Special Ability Weapon on EnterWorld.
    - Fixed count time buffs.
    - Corrected Soul of Sagitta, you can use it with every weapons. (like L2OFF)
    - Fixed when char is banned he looks dead at charselect (thanks rage)
    - Fixed command //setsex (now works also after restart)
    - Corrected skill Balance Life (reuse delay)
    - Corrected skill Holy Resistance (reuse delay)
    - Corrected skill Unholy Resistance (reuse delay)
    - Corrected skill Cleanse (reuse delay and effectRange)
    - Corrected skill Major Group Heal (reuse delay)
    - Corrected skill Greater Heal (reuse delay)
    - Some Cleanup on startup Gameserver. (Removed by default some customs)
    - Hero rework (Thanks Zoey76)
    - Fixed Castle and Fortress startup.
    - Territory Fix.
    - Synchronized Access to locked Variable Fix.
    - 1st Part Singletons Refactor.
    - New AutoSaveManager Implementation.
    - New QuestState Save Behavior.
    - Fixed problem with ClassMaster.
    - Fixed NPE problem with custom table.
    - Fixed boat path (thanks pablo699)
    - Fixed Clanhall expell. (thanks seRiousLy)
    - Fixed skill animation on Arena menager (like L2OFF)
    - Fixed you can't summon if you areMounted.
    - Removed the unequip of weapon,chest,shield during subclass.
    - Fixed problem "You cannot use village master now" during subclass.
    - Updated a protection durin subclass to avoid stuck skill.
    - Fixed Fear time.
    - Updated enchant exploit with warehouse (like L2OFF)
    - Reworked serverpacket InventoryUpdate.java
    - Reworked serverpacket ItemList.java
    - Removed delay at CharSelected.
    - When you are in trade you can't speak with Npcs (like L2OFF)
    - A lot of stability Fixes (by Shyla)
    - Html update like L2OFF. (thanks pablo699)
    - Fixed SummonFriend request issue.
    - Fixed char turn when speaks with Npcs or private store.
    - Fixed If player is dead, sit, intrade, in fakedeath can't interact with Npcs.
    - Fixed char can move with the window of private store opened.
    - Hotfix2 LoginServer issue.
    - Corrected hitTime Invocation.
    - Fixed pickup problem.
    - Corrected some skills (like L2OFF)
    - AI rework.
    - Fixed Cursed weapon NPE.
    - Removed custom message.
    - Fixed mercenarie tikets. (Now also Gm can pickup them)
    - Fixed weight Penality visual bug.
    - Fixed summon cubic. (Sorry my mistake)
    - Fixed Login Server thread issue.
    - Fixed L2TamedBeastInstance issue.
    - Fixed Login issue with simultaneous access.
    - Fixed Broken pipe connection between GS and LS.
    - Fixed anti farm for same Ip.
    - Corrected regMp skill Invocation. (Like L2OFF)
    - Fixed Primeval Potion.
    - Fixed Sprigant's Fruit.
    - Soul of phoenix and Salvation must full all hp,cp,mp. (thanks G0thic for report)
    - Energy stone rework. (like L2OFF, but need other corrections)
    - Corrected skillRadius,hitTime and reusedelay of some skills. (Like L2OFF)
    - Fixed skill Primeval Potion.
    - Fixed arrow equip (leeched from Zoey's fix l2jserver)
    - Rework hit by pole. (Fixed bug with rotation)
    - Added message when consume Potions. (Like L2OFF)
    - Added message when use Scrolls. (Like L2OFF)
    - Fixed problem with arrow (keys) movement. (thanks G0thic for report)
    - Corrected typo message on wedding.
    - Added Night/Day skills message (thanks G0thic for report)
    - Added missing systemmessages.
    - Fixed doors they don't show HP. (like L2OFF)
    - Corrected InvadeTime in Epic zones.
    [CORE] Zoey76 "Cleanup and Fixes" integration.
    - NPE vulnerabilities fixes.
    - Cleanup.
    - Proper implementation of singleton pattern.
    - Added some missing @Override
    - Fixed Lethal Blow.
    - Corrected Rice Cake.
    - Fixed Item Skill: Skill Clarity.
    - Fixed Item Skill: Stun.
    - Corrected typos.
    - Fixed bug multiple hit with pole.
    - Fixed you can't use fake death if you are mounted (like L2OFF)
    - Fixed some NPE.
    - Fixed cubic must remain during the Olympiad match (like L2OFF)
    - Hotfix pick up exception.
    - Fixed NPE for findArrowForBow.
    - Fixed player can't delevel during skill enchant (Like L2OFF)
    CORE] Zoey's patch
    - Proper singleton pattern.
    - Removed redundant code.
    - Format and cleanup.

    esta actualizacion no perjudica a los player ni a sus inventarios.

    gracias a la komunidad de l2jfrozen ya que permiten descargar estos pack muy bueno ademas de seguro y se preokupan por el mantenimiento del mismo

      Fecha y hora actual: Sáb Jul 06, 2024 2:54 pm