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» Quest para acceder a Pagan`s Temple
Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Icon_minitimeSáb Ago 25, 2012 4:59 pm por Apologies

» sugerencia!
Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Icon_minitimeJue Ago 09, 2012 6:39 am por JohnFoos

» Nuevo Evento
Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Icon_minitimeLun Ago 06, 2012 1:09 pm por Apologies

» nuevas implementaciones parche
Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Icon_minitimeLun Jul 30, 2012 10:44 pm por K-dabra

» Bajar Algunos pasivos y Subir otros..
Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Icon_minitimeSáb Jul 28, 2012 11:27 am por .::GMPhoenix::.

» Zaken e.e
Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Icon_minitimeSáb Jul 28, 2012 11:25 am por .::GMPhoenix::.

» Bug de karma o algo asi creo.
Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Icon_minitimeVie Jul 27, 2012 3:33 pm por ElRashoDeKonoha

» Sugerencia Sobre Speed :P
Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Icon_minitimeMiér Jul 25, 2012 9:26 am por Juliita

» Algunas Sugerencias :D
Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Icon_minitimeMiér Jul 25, 2012 7:31 am por ElRashoDeKonoha

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    Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide


    Mensajes : 60
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    Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide Empty Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide

    Mensaje  SmirNoff Vie Sep 09, 2011 3:10 pm

    Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide

    Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide A33a1689f6c32fe9Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide 2d90555f7e794631Symbian Belle v111.020.0203 - Hacked CFW by ivo777 v3.1 - Nokia N8 - Flashing Tutorial Guide 24aea14c9e460760

    Few days back we have posted latest version of Leaked (credits to CodeRus), today we have got custom hacked firmware of the latest version of leaked Belle (credits to ivo777 for CFW v3.1). You will observe following changes in this CFW and can flash it easily with our easiest tutorial guide.

    Software version: 111.020.0203

    The build version say date 30th August 2011, Means that this is the latest version of Belle OS till date.

    What's new:
    - DomainSrv added
    - Added new amazing theme effects

    Full Changelog:

    - Phone language: English only
    - Writing languages: English and Bulgarian
    - Active Diverts Notes is removed
    - Fully editable Equalizer in Music Player- installserver.exe for installing of unsigned applications
    - MemCheck added
    - Added Bugarian-English dictionary
    - My Nokia is disabled (the phone not sending SMS to Nokia after flash or Hard Reset)
    - RomPatcher+ 3.1 with working autostart (all needed patches added)
    - Tactitle Feedback mod (vibration by calling answer)
    - WLAN and GPRS is shown in Log
    - Added new preset named ''ivo777'' in Equalizer (Music Player app)
    - Browser cache in D:/
    - Custom Duration Log mod added
    - Mute Camera sound mod
    - DomainSrv added
    - Added new amazing theme effects

    How to flash with Symbian Belle:
    1.Load Symbian Anna's files:
    -for x86 - C/Program Files/Nokia/Phoenix/Products/RM-596
    -for x64 - C/Program Files(x86)/Nokia/Phoenix/Products/RM-596
    2.Extract Symbian Belle's files on your Desktop
    3.Switch off your phone and NOT connect USB cable
    4.Implement all steps from my video
    5.Connect the USB cable in phone 4-5 sec arter Phoenix's message ''Press phone's power button''
    6.Disconnect the cable after flashing finalized (when on N8's display appear notice "NOKIA'')
    7.Enjoy with Belle

    For detailed tutorial guide on flashing Symbian Belle, please refer to this tutorial.

    Credits: ivo777 for CFW v3.1

    Click below to download
    (N8FanClub.com)Latest Belle CFW N8 RM-596 FW111.020.02013 v3.1.rar
    (N8FanClub.com)Latest Belle CFW N8 RM-596 FW111.020.02013 v3.0.rar

      Fecha y hora actual: Dom Jun 30, 2024 1:34 am